


Training development

Xiaoshan Technician College & Hangxiao Steel Structure Co., Ltd. successfully held the opening ceremony of "work study alternation"



Recently, Xiaoshan Technician College & The opening ceremony of "work study alternation" of Hangxiao Steel Structure Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hangxiao steel structure") was successfully held in the multifunctional hall of Hangxiao steel structure R & D building. The school enterprise cooperation was led by Hangxiao steel structure (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred t🦹o as "Zhejiang Hangxiao"), and fan Jianfeng, President of Xiaoshan technician college, attended the meeting together with more than 40 teachers and students; Jin Jiajia, general manager of Zhejiang Hangxiao, and Xiu Bowen, deputy general manager attended.


Jin Jiajia, general managerꩲ of Zhejiang Hangxiao, said in his speech that Zhejiang Hangxiao will give full play to the advantages of the enterprise, further promote the cooperation with Xiaoshan technician college, constꩲantly expand the construction of high skilled talents, and lay a solid foundation for the development of the enterprise.


Xiu Bowen, deputy general manager of Zhejiang Hangxiao, introduced the development and future planning of Hangxiao steel structure to the teachers and students, and emphasized the company's emphasis on strengthening information construction and improving the intelligent level of production line.


After the first batch of "work study alternation" students move into Hangxiao steel structure dormitory building, they will carry out one month's production management and equipment operation learning, and receive the company's safety management and job responsibility training. After the training, all students will be assigned to the production management and front-line production posts according to the training plan, receive the job rotation learning and exchange. After that, the students will return to school to continue their studies.


At present, the intelligent production lines in Zhejiang Hangxiao workshop have been put into prod♉uction. Subsequently, the production system will continue to be transformed and upgraded to continuously improve the production quality and efficiency. Han🌃gxiao steel structure will continue to deliver excellent front-line employees and intelligent manufacturing production management mode to other subsidiaries, centering on Zhejiang Hangxiao production base.

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