


Training development

Go out of the classroom and feel the charm of steel structure. Students from Inner Mongolia University of science and Technology visit Hangxiao in Inner Mongolia



Recently, more than 200 students of grade 2020 from the school of civil engineering of Inner Mongolia University of science and technology visited Hangxiao steel structure (Inner Mongolia) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Inner Mongolia Hangxiao") for on-site stud✃y.


At the first stop, the students came to the production exhibition area. The relevant responsible person of Inner Mongඣolia Hangxiao introduced the brand accumulation and enterprise culture of Inner Mongolia Hangxiao, and explained the knowledge of steel structure, architecture and component types, so that the students had a preliminary und༺erstanding of steel structure. Subsequently, all the students went to the production workshop to visit the process flow and understand the design and procurement, manufacturing and processing, construction and installation.


"I hope that through this field visit, the students can get in touch with the enterprise environment in advance, feel the enterprise culture, define their professional development g⭕oals as soon as possible, and develop into high skilled talents required by the society." The relevant person in charge of Inner Mongolia Hangxiao said.

The visit and study increased the students' understanding of enterprises and brands of Civil Engineering College of Inner Mongolia University of science and technology, and also gave them a more intuitive understanding of prefabricated steel structure buildings.


For a long time, Inner Mongolia Hangxiao attaches🗹 great importance to the introduction and training of high-quality talents. Relying on the brand, capital and technological advantages of Hangxiao෴ steel structure, the company will strengthen the promotion of school enterprise exchanges and cooperation, and inject more fresh force and continuous efforts for the subsequent introduction of more technical talents.

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